The Push – A book review

The Push by Ashley Audrain - A book review

Rating – ***

To read or not to read – Read when in the mood for a subtle thriller

Synopsis –

In The Push, Blythe Connor is a woman who is trying desperately to be the perfect mother that everyone else seems to be, but she’s struggling. Soon, she begins to wonder if there’s something genuinely wrong with her daughter, Violet, though her husband insists it isn’t true.

As the story unfolds in this gripping and suspenseful domestic drama, Audrain explores motherhood, the limits of unconditional love, and how the consequences of our actions can travel across generations.

Review –

Terror comes in many forms. Stephen King taught us that. So when I say that The Push is a terrifying novel, I mean it not in the there’s a ghost in my attic sort of way, but more as an everyday fear that we all experience one day.

The Push is about motherhood – its challenges and trials, and when the constant self-doubt one experiences when in the throes of it. It truly brings home to the reader the terrifying reality of becoming a mother.

To begin with, the title character – true to the psychological thriller genre, is unpredictable and unstable. She recalls events with absolute certainty and then casts aspersions on her recollection, throwing the reader for a loop. All of which leads to a grey atmosphere, building up the tension and foreboding very well.

But then there are the characters. And this is where the story falters.

The husband, for example, is a one-dimensional character who has trouble believing his wife. Why? We are never told. Why is there so much turmoil in MC (main character)’s childhood and why does the grandmother have issues? It is never disclosed.

Lastly, the final twist isn’t too shocking – which is why most of us read thrillers, isn’t it? All in all, I would say, read this one if you’d like to delve into motherhood and how it can go wrong. Otherwise, give it a pass.

What about you? Have you read this one? Any book you’d like me to review next? Let me know in the comments section below –


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